Postoperative Instructions


Wound Care

  • Bite firmly on gauze that has been placed for the next 2 hours, then remove it gently. Place more as needed and keep in place for minimum of 2 hours. Do not change the gauze too often.
  • Do not peek.
  • Do not smoke for 72 hours because this will promote bleeding and interfere with healing and cause dry socket, very painful and hard to treat.


  • Some blood will ooze from the area of surgery and is normal. You may find a blood stain on your pillow in the morning. 
  • Do not spit or suck through a straw, since this promotes bleeding. 
  • If bleeding begins again, place a small damp gauze pack or tea bag directly over the tooth socket and bite firmly for 30 minutes.
  • Keep your head elevated with several pillows or sit in a lounge chair.


  • Some discomfort is normal after surgery. It can be controlled but not eliminated by taking the pain pills your dentist prescribed. 
  • Take your pain pills with a whole glass of water and with small amount of food if the pills cause nausea. 
  • Do not drive or drink alcohol if you take prescription pain pills.


  • It is important to drink a large volume of fluids. Do not drink through a straw, because this may promote bleeding. 
  •  Cold, soft food such as ice cream or yogurt may be the most comfortable for the first day.

Oral Hygiene

  • Do not rinse your mouth or brush your teeth for the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • After that, rinse gently with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon of salt 8oz of warm water) every 4 hours. 
  • Brush your teeth gently but avoid area of surgery.


  • Swelling after surgery is a normal body reaction. It reaches its maximum about 48 hours after surgery and usually lasts up to 4 to 6 days. 
  • Applying ice packs over the area of surgery for 20 minutes on and off for the first 24 hrs. helps control swelling decrease discomfort.


  • Avoid strenuous activity for 48 hours after surgery or as directed by the Doctor. Rest for the rest of today


  • You may experience some mild bruising in the area of your surgery. This is a normal response in some persons and should not be a cause for alarm. It will disappear in 7 to 14 days.


  • After surgery you may experience jaw muscle stiffness and limited opening of your mouth. This is normal and will improve in 5 to 10 days. 


  • If stitches have been placed in the area of your surgery, you will need to have them removed in about 1 week. 


  • You experience excessive discomfort that you cannot control with your pain pills.
  • You have bleeding that you cannot control by biting on gauze. 
  • You have increased swelling after the third day following your surgery. 
  • You feel that you have a fever.
  • You have any questions. 

Daisy Martinez

The best dentist ever! Johana and Dr. Nazari are amazing and they help me so much! Thank y’all so much!!!

Nayeli Mora

“Violeta and Maria made me feel really good, explained everything, really nice and clean place.”

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